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This site has been created with the help of many different people and companies.
Credits go to the following:

Credits: We want to thank the following for their contribution to Brian’s success

-The following people for their photographic contribution:

Matt Hush PhotographyShane P. Watts PhotographyDominic Cachia Photography
Bryan Azzopardy | Sebio Aquilina Audio Visual Productions |  Matthew – The Culinary Photographer
Sean Mallia Photography | Robert Camilleri FotoClassic 
There are more and we will add them.

-All the clients who have trusted Brian to offer his services for their important events worldwide.

-The sponsors who continuously supply various forms of support in order to produce outstanding services.

-The Social Fans, who have followed and have been faithful to Brian and his voyage throughout time.  You can be part of it too by subscribing to Brian’s Youtube Channel, following on his Facebook Page, keeping in contact with him via his Twitter Account, and checking out the latest adventures on his Instagram Account

-Everyone who was kind enough to get in touch and supply reviews, feedback, media and/or images we can use on this website and social media.

-Everyone else who contributes in some manner or the other and does not want mentions. 

Words can not express how much we appreciate your contribution

Please get in touch with us if you have contributed in any way and wish to be mentioned in the credits above! Contact Brian


Thank you.

Brian Role` Award Winning Magician - Close-up Magician for hire at Entertainers WorldwideBrian Role` Award Winning Magician - Close-up Magician for hire at Entertainers WorldwideBrian Role` Award Winning Magician - Close-up Magician for hire at Entertainers Worldwide

Brian Role` Internationa Magician Malta Credits

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