Frequently Asked Questions

International Magician Malta - Brian Role Frequently Asked Questions Magic In Malta

As you explore options for a magician in Malta or elsewhere globally, you might naturally have inquiries about Brian’s services. Particularly if encountering Brian Role for the first time. Frequently, similar questions arise repeatedly. Here, we present the most common FAQs about stage magic, close up or parlour shows, along with their answers. However, if you cannot find the answers here, or are short on time, feel free to contact us. We’re here to address any queries you may have about Brian Role` and his magic services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is close up magic?

Close Up Magic is a style of magic the magician performs for people in close proximity to them. The magician can roam around, providing guests with close-up magic wherever they may be or may move from table to table entertaining guests at their table. It is particularly suitable for both corporate and private events, in addition to trade fairs, exhibitions, and more. For further details about Close Up Magic, click here.

What is Parlour Magic?

Parlour magic is particularly suitable for individuals seeking a performance with smaller props, given constraints on venue size. It’s perfect for intimate settings like small halls, cozy rooms, and gatherings with a limited number of guests. Whether it’s a birthday celebration at home or an intimate event in a smaller venue, parlour magic offers an engaging entertainment option. For further information, feel free to explore the parlour magic page for additional details.

Performances Questions & Answers
How does Brian entertain at corporate events?

At corporate events, Brian engages the guests through various entertaining methods. He seamlessly integrates close-up magic into the event, mingling among the guests and captivating them with his magic during stand-up receptions. Additionally, he brings magic directly to their tables in seated dining settings, ensuring everyone gets a memorable experience. Moreover, if the client requires it and a stage is available, Brian is also adept at delivering a captivating stage show, adding an extra layer of entertainment to the corporate event.

What kind of magic does Brian provide at weddings?

For weddings, Brian provides close-up magic, seamlessly mingling around guests providing captivating walk-around magic during stand-up receptions or mesmerising table-to-table magic for seated dining settings.

Does Brian provide magic shows for children?

Absolutely! Brian offers captivating magic shows tailored for children. These interactive performances are designed to entertain and engage young audiences. Brian’s children’s shows cater to various age groups, ensuring a magical experience for kids aged 4 to 12 years.

Questions & Answers About Consultation and Design
Can Brian Give Magic Consultation?

Certainly! Brian Role` offers comprehensive magic and illusion consultation services. Whether it’s for your film, video, advert, product launch, or theatrical production, Brian can offer expert guidance. Brian is also ready to help other magicians with their stage magic shows. Feel free to contact Brian to discuss your requirements and explore the possibilities further.

Will Brian design illusions for a production?

Brian has a vast and rich knowledge of everything that is magical. His creativity is only limited by the budget allocated to each respective project. If you have an idea and do not know how to make it happen, get in touch with Brian to arrange a meeting to discuss your needs and how to move forward.

Questions & Answers About Bookings
Does Brian provide magic shows in private residences?

Brian provides parlour magic shows for bookings in private residences. He offers different shows depending on the situation and occasion. You can choose a show for children, family, or for a mature audience.

How long are the shows?

Brian caters for any duration he is asked for. He regularly offers a 5-10minute mind-blowing stage act, a full scale 90 minute stage show for theatres, 50 minute shows for hotels, resorts and cruise ships, 30 or 45minutes parlour magic shows and between 1-3hrs of close-up magic plus more if needed in certain situations. 

How do I book Brian Role` ?

Initially, Brian will need some details, including the date and time of your event, the occasion, venue/locality, number of people, the setting (stand up, seated, or theatre style), and your specific desires.
Once Brian confirms his availability based on the details provided, he will then advise you on the service or services that would best suit your event.
Following that, Brian will assist you in selecting the optimal service that aligns perfectly with your requirements.
After finalizing the details and mutual agreement on the service to be provided, a partial payment is required to secure the booking.
Once the payment is settled, the booking is confirmed, leaving you eagerly anticipating the day to experience the amazing magic he delivers!

Do you have a price list?

Live performance fees, unlike those of a shelf product, vary based on show type, duration, and location. Additionally, there are travel costs for shows outside Malta. For a personalized quote tailored to your event, please contact Brian with all relevant details.

What are Brian’s travel requirements?

For shows abroad, out of Malta, the client must pay all travel expenses involved to get the show into another country. The costs differ from case to case and depend on whether you are booking a full show or simply booking Brian to provide his close up magic for your event. Get in contact with Brian to discuss this further.

Does Brian use live animals in any of his shows?

Brian’s live performances do not involve any animals whatsoever in any of his parlour or stage magic shows. However, for international film and theatrical productions, animals may be utilised, provided all requisite arrangements, including permits and licenses, are secured by the client. Brian ensures compassion and ethical considerations are upheld in all aspects of his performances.

Where can I find reviews?

Apart from feedback sent to Brian via email, most reviews featured on this site are public and can be found on:

“…We can well understand why this man (Brian Role`) is one of the world’s foremost magicians…” December 1 2023

Get In Touch With Brian Role` Today

Brian cares and understands that your event is unique and important to you!

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