Magic Consultation

Creating Magic For You!

Harry Potter Themed Event

Brian Role` is also a magic and illusion consultant. He brings to the table original, creative concepts and ideas that can become a reality through his magic consultation.

He can create custom magical and illusionary effects for any project.

Through his creativity, clients can implement illusionary measures to enhance their projects and events by adding a real magical aspect to them.

Brian creates illusionary concepts for a variety of projects such as:

  • Corporate – Brian can create an astonishing crowd-captivating moment for corporate events. For instance, Brian can have your CEO magically appear!
  • Theatrical Productions – A range of creative special effect ideas and concepts suitable for live theatrical performances.
  • Promotional – Adopt Brian’s original ideas and use them to promote your product in a magical manner making them stand out.
  • Television and Film – Perhaps you need to create a special effect without using camera trickery. Brian can solve your problem.
  • Celebration Parties – You have a budget for something unforgettable and spectacular for that special occasion. Brian can get creative.
  • Exhibitions – For those looking for something extra to make their exhibits stand out and captivate their audience’s imagination.
  • Fundraising – Stunts designed to captivate media attention to attract a wider audience resulting in fund generation.

Themed Events

Brian has created and designed magic and illusions for various themed events in Malta and abroad. His expertise and skills enable him to come up with concepts that fit perfectly into each client’s expectations. One such event was a Harry Potter-themed event at the Verdala Castle in Dingli. The organisers asked Brian for his input to create, not just an appropriate show for the event but also the concept behind the decorations and atmosphere of the venue. The project came to reality with a dedicated team of professionals, who spent many weeks creating the visuals and illusionary designs as per Brian’s concepts. The results were astonishing making headline news!

Mela Darba Fil-Kastel TVM News Feature

Music Videos And Adverts


The video features Brian Role` performing for the Music Video, ‘Disappear’ by No Snow No Alps.

The director wanted Brian to provide short but visual magical acts, that Brian would usually perform for a live audience. He also wanted Brian to finish with a dramatic final disappearance, that didn’t involve a grand setup or too many props.

Therefore, Brian came up with an unusual but easy approach to create this final illusionary effect.

Installation of the effect and filming of the video took place at St James Cavalier, where filming took place. The effect was achieved without any camera trickery. Actually, everything you see in the clip is what you would have experienced had you been there on the day!

No Snow No Alps Disappear


Another appearance of Brian doing magic in an ad for Bortex in 2010. The concept and idea behind the at the time were highly creative. The video still stands the test of time. During the advert, the director wanted Brian to briefly appear as a street performer entertaining some children as cameras were passing by focusing on the main models.

Although the total duration of the ad is just 20 seconds, filming took a whole day from 6 am in the morning until sunset.  Filming took place in one of the main streets of Valletta and part of that street had to be closed to the public. 

Brian appears at 00:00:11 of the video. Enjoy watching it!

Bortex Advert

Not Just Film & Video!

Brian has created ‘visible’ and ‘invisible’ magic and illusion effects for a variety of projects including product launches. One such example project is a consultation for a client wanting to launch three new lines of products during a live event. The briefing was simple;

“We want to launch a set of products that involve several items. You need to make them appear somehow at one go, during a live launch event for our VIP clients. People should be able to go see them up close once we introduce them. We have three different sets of products.”

The solution was a complex idea that became technically simple through Brian’s illusion design.  The method came to fruition through a talented tech team.

Within 3 seconds, Brian produced several items on a pedestal. Then he repeated it twice more on different pedestals for the other line of products being launched. All the products were real and the VIP guests were able to go and see them up close with nothing that could explain how the illusion was achieved.

Get In Touch With Brian Role` To Arrange A Confidential Meeting To Discuss Your Magic Consultation Needs!

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