Magician Malta – Press and Media Coverage of a Maltese Magician

Magician From Malta Brian Role` and Lola Palmer In The Press

Some of the online and printed press coverage, news articles, interviews, and more over the years featuring the magician in Malta Brian Role ` and Lola Palmer – 

Magic at Kristiansand Dinnershow In Norway by Magician Malta Brian Role

A Firework Of A Show December 1 2023

The variety show opened professionally with a soft start under the direction of magician Brian Role who went from table to table and performed his tricks on the guests, much to the delight of everyone, where he made objects disappear and appear in unexpected places.

We can well understand why this man is one of the world’s foremost magicians, as his whole appearance…

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Zoom Magic Show Magician

Il-magician Brian Rolè ppremjat fl-Amerika December 14 2021

Fil-11 ta’ Diċembru, Brian Rolè rċieva premju internazzjonali mill-International Assembly of the Society of American Magicians (S.A.M.). Qabel iċ-ċerimonja tal-premjazzjoni, Brian Rolè u Lola Palmer tellgħu wirja għal udjenza online waqt il-Gala Show tal-Assemblea Internazzjonali…

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Eve Interviews Magician Malta Brian Role

Interview With Brian Role` November 23, 2017 

With an agenda full of international travel, you might think the Maltese Magicians and illusionist Brian Role` can clone himself to be in different places at the same time. Yet this time he sits down to tell us about his life – with no tricks up his sleeve.

Who is Brian Role` in the eyes of Brian Role`?

Brian Role`: When looking at the man in the mirror, I see two sides to my persona…

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Malta Magician Brian Role and Lola Palmer hounoured with IMS Merlin Magic Award

Maltese Magicians receive the highest international award for Magic

Times of Malta June 9, 2017 

Renowned international Maltese magician and illusionist Brian Role, together with his partner Lola Palmer, were awarded the Merlin Award 2017 for the “Best Magic Dinner Show” by the International Magicians Society (IMS) on Tuesday.

Previous recipients of the award include the likes of David Copperfield, Siegfried & Roy, Penn & Teller, and Criss Angel.

World president of the IMS, Tony Hassini, flew in from the US to present the award during a live event at Casino Malta in St Julian’s…

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Brian Role Close Up Magician in Malta

Maltese Magician Honoured by International Magicians Society June 6, 2017 

Maltese magician Brian Rolè has been honored by the International Magicians society who came to give him his award all the way from New York, after having evaluated magic shows all around the world. In this feature, we meet Brian Rolè who has spent 20 years working in the world of magic.

He works on his magic tricks from morning till night and the magicians who fascinate him the most are David Copperfield and Chris Angel…

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Times of Malta - Magician Malta

Chamber of Mysteries – Lola Palmer & Brian Role` The Magician in Malta

Times of Malta, May 31, 2017

The show Chamber of Mysteries features an authentic setting and offers a unique blend of entertainment, wizardry, wonder, food, and wine.

It is held in a chamber, which has been transformed into an intimate theatre of magic, within the walls of an authentic 18th-century building built by the Knights of St John. The theatre offers perfect viewing…

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Malta Magician receives highest award in Magic - Merlin Magic Award Magician Malta

Magicians Maltin jingħataw l-ogħla prestiġju dinji fil-maġija

Newsbook, May 29, 2017

Il-magicians Maltin Brian Rolè u Lola Palmer ngħataw il-Premju Merlin, premju għal persuni li jiddilettaw fil-maġija.

Għal din l-okkażjoni se jiġi Malta l-President tas-Soċjetà Internazzjonali tal-Magicians, Tony Hassini, minn New York, sabiex jippreżenta l-premju liż-żewġ Maltin.

Stqarrija maħruġa minn Brian Rolè ntqal li l-Premju Merlin jista’ jitqies fuq l-istess livelli bħalma l-Oscars huma għall-films, l-Emmies għat-televixin, inkella t-Tony għat-teatru.

Spjega li dal-premju jingħata lil dawk il-magicians li waslu f’punt ta’ professjonaliżmu għoli fil-karriera tagħhom, kemm fuq il-livell nazzjonali kif ukoll f’dak internazzjonali.

Fost il-persuni li fil-passat irċevew dan il-premju m’hemm ħadd ħlief David Copperfield, Siegfried & Roy Penn & Teller, u Criss Angel…

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Ilu jgħix mill-maġija dawn l-aħħar għaxar snin

Kullhadd, January 12, 2014

Aktarx kull persuna jkollha passjoni ghal xi bicca xoghol ohra, apparti ix-xogol primarju taghha. Izda rari, speccjalment f’Malta, li ssib persuna li l-passjoni taghha tkun l-uniku ghajxien ghaliha specjalment meta din tkun il-magija.

Fost dawn hemm l-illuzjonista u magician Brian Role` li f’Marzu tas-sena 2013 ghalaq ghaxar snin jahden bhala full-time magician professjonali…

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Brian Role and Lola Palmer - Magician and Illusionist Perform In China

Maltese magician to perform at the international festival in China

Times Of Malta September 11th, 2013

International renowned magician and illusionist Brian Role and his partner Lola Palmer are to perform at an international festival of magic in China together with another 39 top magicians. This is the first time that a magician from Malta will be participating in such a festival.

This is the first time the magic duo will be setting foot in China, where they will perform for an estimated audience of thousands over seven days during the first week of October.

Magician Malta Brian and Lola have toured internationally with their magic and illusion performances since 2000, and have performed in South America, Dubai, Qatar,…

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Maltese Magician and Illusionist to appear on Satellite television

Maltese Magician and Illusionist to appear on Satellite television

Malta Independent on Sunday, Feb 10, 2013 

Following a number of regular engagements on various cruise ships, international magician and illusionist Brian Role`, is being interviewed by Debbie Jones in Liverpool during Cruising with the Stars.

Debbie Jones has interviewed more than 300 stars including singers, comedians, and other top professional artists to have performed regularly on cruise ships, and is delighted to be having Brian on her program…

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Brian Role and Lola Palmer Ghost of De Vilhena Manoel Teathre Valletta Malta Magician Show

Halloween, Capturing the imagination

Malta Independent 12th Nov 2009 

Considered pagan by many and frivolous by others, Halloween, nevertheless captures the imagination of many people. Over the years it is also gaining popularity in Malta. As one of its innovative events, the Manoel Theatre added a spectacular and scary illusion show followed by a ghost walk and a gothic rock concert at the Mediterranean Conference Centre with the bands Fire, Sepia, and Nomadson.

The illusion show gave a unique chance to the public to see the talents of two Maltese illusionists’ combined efforts. Brian Rolé, the magician in Malta together with his partner Lola…

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Notte Bianca Malta - Magic Of the Night Brian Role suspends Lola Palmer in Valletta

Notte Bianca: ‘Magic Of the Night’ at Chamber of Commerce

Malta Independent 18th Sep 2007 

International illusionists Brian Rolè and Lola Palmer will present Magic of the Night. This is a magical entertaining show as part of Notte Bianca Lejl Imdawwal. The performance will take place at the Chamber of Commerce, Republic Street, Valletta at 7.45 pm. Performances will be repeated at 8.45 pm, 9.45 pm, and 10.45 pm. Each performance will be of 25 minutes duration.

The magic show is a combination of a vast array of illusions, a touch of audience participation, and a spectacular unique finale escape. The thrilling acts are mostly based on a visual performance to music….

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Brian Role and Lola Palmer of Cruise Ship Magic Show - Magician Malta #magicianmalta

A Wave Of Maltese Magic

Malta Independent 1st July 2006 

During the past six years, a Maltese couple have been making a name for themselves and for Malta in various countries around the world, with their magical performances. Illusionist Brian Rolè and his partner Lola have been providing magic and illusion shows in countries such Mexico, Dubai, India, Spain and many others. They have performed in luxurious hotels such as Le Royal Meridien in Mumbai and The Emirates Towers in Dubai and in high-standard dinner show theatres such as Es Foguero in Spain and have been seen by thousands of people

At the moment, Brian Rolè and Lola are performing on the Grand Voyager. A Spanish clientele-based cruise ship, cruising between Venice and Istanbul on a weekly basis. We caught up with Brian and Lola and asked them to share their experience with our readers…

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